EDLPS 541 / SISRE 590

Russian Education and Society


Preparation for In-Class Presentation and Discussions on June 3,2009




In presenting your papers/projects:


  1. Remind us of the topic on which you worked, and summarize what you have done, where you have taken it since your in-class presentation and discussion.
  2. What unexpected difficulties did you have to address as you worked on the paper/project?  These might have to do with identifying and locating sources, finding data, conceptual focus, or other issues you needed to surmount as you worked.
  3. What was the most significant thing that you learned as a result of the paper/project?  (For example, something that really struck you, or that you will likely remember or use later on.)
  4. How does the paper/project connect to what comes next?  (E.g., thesis or dissertation, future career direction, other interests, etc.)



In thinking about the content of the course:


  1. What seems to be distinctively Russian about Russian education?
  2. What seems to match other world-wide or US practice in education?
  3. If you had to place a bet, what do you think the system will look like 10 or 15 years hence?  (Aim for 2025…)